Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Women in Maddness

In My other Women's Studies class we talked about the term beautiful. We are reading a book called The Bluest Eye. We ranked the people in order of how they were perceived as beautiful in that book. The book is based a long time ago but still the ranking went from a white girl to a "high-yellow" girl, to a black girl. This is interesting to me because I feel that what we perceive as beautiful has somewhat shifted but somewhat stayed the same. Class seems to still be a factor because the more money you have the more "beautiful" you can make yourself. I hope people look beyond what a person looks like and takes into consideration their personal traits but i know that is not always the case. There are many black women who want to be lighter and white women who want to be tan. Who creates this for us and who tells us what is beautiful. In my opinion its the media. We seem to look to media for a lot of aspects in our life. Is this really what we want for future women? To have them look to the media for what is beautiful. you hear about all these young girls on "diets" and developing anorexia because they want to look like that models. Its a horrible feeling to me that I myself even let the media sway my opinion on what is beautiful and what is not. As women we need to fight this image and allow young girls to take pride in what they look like. Some women have started this fight but its going to take a lot more to change what society feels is "beautiful", and that really SUCKS!

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