Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today I was walking to class and I over heard a couple or what I assumed to be a couple walking in front of me. They were talking about sex, which I am not sure why because I could hear them so they had to know others could too. So she told him that she did not want to be on birth control because she did not want to ruin her chances at becoming pregnant. He told her if she really loved him that she would be on birth control because condoms did not feel good for him. I could not believe what I was hearing. She told him she would have to think about it more. Ugh, why must men have that control over women? It is her decision and using the whole "if you love me" line is ridiculous. Why do men do that and why must women oppress to it. Women want to show their partner that they love them and I feel as if guys use it a lot to get what they want. I was so disappointed in this girl but I did not know them so I did not say anything but the whole conversation just blew my mind.

1 comment:

  1. That sucks. And it's so stupid too- the idea that women really need boyfriends/husbands, so much so that even bad men are better than being without one. There are a couple of things in the conversation that jump out at me, like how many birth control options there are that allow your fertility to resume nearly immediately once you stop using them (maybe she doesn't know about them), but more so that the guy here is clearly trying to manipulate her into doing something she isn't comfortable with just so that he doesn't have to do something that would inconvenience him. I hope they find a resolution that addresses both partners' concerns, but the cynic in me sees an unwanted pregnancy on the horizon.
