So because of the Royal wedding that took place, I have been getting a lot of questions like "did you watch it at 3 in the morning?" or "Wasn't that wedding so beautiful?". I ask people why they get the feeling that I watched the wedding and most of them answered because I was a girl. SO! Just because I am a girl does not mean I have no other option but to watch the Royal Wedding. Yes, it is a historical event that took place but it did not really interest me all that much. Plus around the same time of the wedding was the horrible disaster that took place in the south from all the tornados that hit. Still, all you heard about was the wedding. Not that I am hateful towards the wedding but many lives were taken due to the storms and all anyone was talking about was the ROYAL WEDDING! Being a girl does not mean I have to take interest in the wedding. It is just another example of how gender roles are still played out and that a woman would want to watch a wedding because its the "womanly" or "girly" thing to do.

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