Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Does your I.D. match?

In the state of New York, a group of transgender citizens have filed a law suit based on their birth certificates. There are a number of transgendered people who would like to get their birth certificate changed to match the person they feel they are. However, in New York, the law requires documentation to prove they have had surgery to change their gender. Unfortunately, there are many people who can not afford the surgery. This causes many issues for a transgender when identification is needed.  Noah Lewis, whom is the attorney representing the transgender group stated, "This subjects them to harassment and discrimination. They can be laughed at or turned away doing everyday transactions like going to the DMV (the Department of Motor Vehicles) or applying for jobs,"(Aman Ali). The Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund have suggested to the Supreme Court that a doctor’s note verifying the transgendered person status could be a compromise. The Health Department said it will review the issue but nothing is said to be done.
I understand both sides of this story. On one hand a person is born a certain sex and that should be reflected on a birth certificate. If a person changes their mind on their sex more than once I can see where there would be an issue but I don’t think that happens very often. When a person feels and decides to live their life as a transgender, I do not understand why the state is making it so difficult for a person to change their birth certificate. I am assuming from what I know, transgender people live a lot of their life being discriminated so when the state is discriminating as well, what does that show the rest of the citizens? Discrimination should not be tolerated and I am hoping the Health Department realizes this and finds an easier way for transgender people to live the life they deserve.

Empowering everyone and erasing discrimination is something we can only achieve if we do something about it.

Check out the story Transgender Vs. New York

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Gay Uncle"

My nephew Ben, lives with his mom, his uncle and his grandmother on his mom's side. Recently, my nephew's uncle on his mothers side "came out". He is very involved in my nephew's life, more so than his father (my twin brother). My brother does not see his son very much but is very concerned about having a "gay guy" influence his son. He does not want his son growing up thinking that being "gay" is acceptable. This is a huge problem to my brother but I do not understand what the problem is. My nephew's uncle is a very good person and Ben loves him. Why are so many people discriminate against gays and lesbians? Just because someone likes a person of the same sex does not mean they are any less of a person. Someones sexual identity should not affect the way a person is perceived but unfortunately that seems to be the case. If Ben's uncle never "came out", my brother would have no problem with him helping with Ben but why should his uncle have to hide how he feels? He shouldn't! Just because most of society "believes" homosexuals are in the wrong, it does not mean its right. There are lots of homosexual couples that can not adopt because of what society perceives them as. There are a lot of same sex couples that would be great parents if just given the chance. I do not believe that kids raised by same sex couples will grow up to be a homosexual but if they chose that sexual identity then that is their right. Heterosexual couples are proud of their sexual identity and so should bisexuals, lesbians, gays, transgender and anyone else. Part of the problem is that people do not put their self in the position of someone who has to live with the discrimination. How would you feel if you had to hide how you truly felt because "society" has deemed that act as intolerable? People should be aware that this discrimination should not be allowed and is hurting so many people. Everyone has a right to be treated equally no matter what sexual identity they adhere to. Ultimately, I told my brother I did not agree with him but he is not changing his mind. Until people take time to understand these different sexual identities, I do not think "society" will change their opinion on the subject. Which is very upsetting to think about.