Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What about LOVE?

In class the other day we talked about Women wanting to marry someone of the same level of education as them. We also discussed how if a women does not find that person then they are likely to not get married. My thoughts on this; people are too focused on money and not on what will make the relationship last...LOVE. I know a lot of people who say money buys happiness but I would disagree. Money does buy you things you want but it cannot buy love. I feel that if people are too focused on matching education levels then a person might never be truly happy. My boyfriend is not going to college but he makes me truly happy and supports me in everything I do. I feel that whether or not I make more money than he does, we will be happy and the chances of us not working are slim. I just don't understand why it is such a big deal to find someone who is of the same education as you. I meet people all the time that are not of my education level but are very knowledgeable in a lot of areas. On the flip side we talked about how men don't mind what education level their partner is at. Is that because they want to be the sole provider? I am not sure. Some of the guys said they want to have the higher paying job but then that goes right back to my point that people are too focused on money and not finding someone whom they love. I am not sure if I am the only person who feels this way but for me finding someone to share my life with starts with love not money.


  1. I agree that people nowadays are too focused on money and often look past everything else. But I also must say that when thinking about myself, I tend to fall into that same category with them. I definitely would still put love before money, education, class, or anything like that. At the same time, I want someone who is motivated and will be able to help out with paying the bills and everything so that we do not have to deal with money stress. I also think it is important to have both partners making a steady amount of money because with today's economy the way it is, you could lose your job at any point. If for some reason I lost my job and my husband was not working or making very little pay, it would make life very stressful, so I would rather know that we are both contributing equally and have a fallback just in case something would happen to one of us.

  2. Coming from a male's viewpoint, I don't believe that money buys happiness, but it doesn't hurt it either. I do believe that someone who makes 25K a year can be more happy than someone who makes 300K. For me personally it isn't about getting a huge house or a new top of the line car, I mean I drive a 97' Camry, come on. The reason I am pursuing a higher paying job is because I can relieve many of the financial stresses that would come if I didn't. These include my children taking out loans for college, my wife having to work stressful hours, and for me personally the higher paying job I do get, the faster I can retire and enjoy my family, which outside of God is my number one priority. I feel like too many people don't cherish the moments they are given until it is too late to do so and being financially secure allows me to do that earlier. I would personally never let a financial situation affect a relationship I was having, whether that person was poor or rich, I feel that if I am head over heels in love with someone it is for the million other characteristics she has. One of those may be her level of intellect, not because I am deliberately looking for someone who is smart, just someone who understands me, and being in the field I am there is a great chance that person will have a college education at the very least. This is because those are the types of people in my environment that I am surrounded by everyday.
